Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I Live In a Constant Seinfeld Episode - Exhibit E

In my 3 Faves of the Week, I mentioned how much Popi loves to go out for ice cream. I told you about the amazing milkshake I had (honestly I still have dreams about it) but I left out a key part of the story:

That night during dinner Popi turned to me and said, "So are we going out tonight?"

"I don't know, I just got home (I turn to look at the clock and see it's quarter after 8 and cringe) and I am pretty tired," I replied in between bites of my dinner.

"Let's go get ice cream? I can go for a sundae."

I looked at him and he had his signature goofy smile on his face and I melted. What's one quick ride to get him a sundae? So I told him that while I finished dinner, he should get dressed and get ready to go, and we'll leave as soon as I'm done.

Although I knew Nifty Fifties was going to packed with middle and high school kids with no jobs but a piss load of money to spend (oh, and a fancy car to drive), I decided we should go there so I can at least get a cup of coffee (getting a milkshake was the furthest thing on my mind.)

The entire 2 minute ride from my house, Popi went over the menu in his head and decided, "I think I'll get 1 scoop of strawberry ice cream."

"Whatever, you can get what you want, I'm paying. You just have to leave the tip," I said.

Luckily we are able to get counter seating.

I usually don't like a counter but I hate to take a table and only order a cup of coffee and a single scoop of ice cream. Sitting at the counter with Popi is an interesting experience. He turns into a kid in a candy store and wants whatever passes by him even if he doesn't know what it is.

After seeing a huge sundae go by with whip cream and wet walnuts he quickly changed his mind. He wanted that!

When the waitress showed up to take our order, he proceeded to order a glass of Root Beer.

Telling the waitress we needed another minute, I turned and looked at him (in the same manner that Jerry looks at Kenny in The Soup episode) with wild eyes and an exasperated look and said, "A Root Beer! ha-ha-I-don't-think-so Bania. That wasn't part of the deal. You have to get ice cream. If you wanted a soda I could've taken you to WaWa."

"But I don't really want ice cream, I just wanted to go out. We'll go out for ice cream next week."

"You're getting ice cream even if we have to take it home," I said laughing at the Seinfeldness of it.

The Soup
Season 6, Episode 7
Original Air Date: November 10, 1994

Waiter: have you decided? ...
Jerry: I’ll have the salmon.

Waiter: And you?
Bania: Ahh, you know what I think. I’m just going to have soup. Yeah, I’ll save the meal for another time.
Jerry: Another time? What other time?
So the waitress comes back and I ordered him a strawberry sundae fully loaded with the works and a Chunky Monkey milkshake for myself. Before the waitress left he grabbed her hand and said,"Oh and a nice cold Root Beer."

And do you know what?! That bastard ate the entire sundae and left the Root Beer.



  1. I kind of love your Popi and wish I had one of my own.

    Too cute :)


  2. PS (two weeks later) this episode was on last week. I RARELY watch Seinfeld, but I sat and watched the whole episode because of this post!
