Friday, November 13, 2009

An Open Letter

Dear Thursday,

What the hell Thursday, you totally sucked balls. Your weather was shitty for the 4th day in a row. Your shitty weather gave me a migraine. Your shitty weather made me sleep in until 8:30 am!! Your shitty weather made the inside of my car wet when I was gassing up.
Your shitty weather allowed me to get rear-ended.

Now Bubbles has giant skid marks at the bottom of his boot! Now I have to figure out where I am going to find a random $500 bucks to fix him. Now I have to figure out how I am going to get to work while he's in the shop.

Thursday, fuck you and your shitty weather.

Your Daily Barista
** And your shitty weather broke my only goddamn umbrella.

Dear Friday,

You started out just like your shitty BFF Thursday; shitty weather, shitty headache, shitty sleeping in. However, despite your "Friday the 13th" title, you have turned out alright. The bosses left at 1:30pm. My intern and I were able to take some kick as pictures in our makeshift light box for an upcoming Christmas mailer. And the bus' money machine was broken so I got me a free ride to work..

Hooray for you Friday. You have made my week.


Your Daily Barista

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