Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Bright and Perky Peepers....Yes and No.

Ok, so I have been lacking at the moment on the posts. Work has gotten rough the past few days and I have been too beat to do anything when I get home.

Thankfully, the awesomely, fantastic Diva over at Lizzie in Progress heard my prayers and provided me with a wonderful product review.


Hello to all you java-lovin' readers! I was roaming around Target beauty department the other day stocking up on my supplies. I had a coupon for $1.00 off any Almay product so I zeroed in on what they had to offer.

If you watch a shit-ton of What Not to Wear like I do, you know the best way to brighten up your eyes is to have a highlight shadow under your brow and in the corner of your eye (PS Carmindy, I've been doing the corner-of-your-eye trick since the late 90's. So there). Normally I use CoverGirls Eye Enhancers in "Champagne", but since I had coupon for Almay, I decided to test something new.

I stumbled upon Almay's Bright Eyes highlighter/liner duo. What the heck, I'll give it a try.

According to Almay the product is meant to "Instantly refreshes and enhances your eyes with a unique natural complex of marine extracts, white tea and light reflectors. The eyeliner works double duty to softly define eyes, while the highlighter illuminates the brow bone and corners for a lifting effect".

It comes in three colors to correspond with your complexion: Cocoa/ Pearl, Dark Chocolate/Shell, and Black/Champagne. I was originally going to get the Black/Champagne combo, but I have never liked black eyeliner on me, so I settled with the Cocoa/Pearl set.

I usually use a liquid liner or a dark brown powder to line my eyes. This stick is much lighter. Since I like a darker hue, I'm not digging the eyeliner part. I didn't feel like I could get it smudged into the lash line and that is a huge pet peeve of mine. If you like a lighter, softer look then this is right up your ally.

I was really excited about using this product because I thought it would be simpler then my shadow/brush technique. This one step process is much easier- boom boom and I am done. Since I am always running late, every second counts.

For as soft as the liner is, the highlighter is harsh. I find myself dabbing at it with my finger to soften the color. All it is really highlighting is the fact that I need to pluck my eyebrows.

However the point to the highlighter end (and the eyeliner end for that matter) gets dull very quickly. The pencil is thicker then a normal eyeliner so you need a sharpener with a bigger opening. I have found myself sharpening almost every two days.

Does it brighten my eyes? Sure. Am I in love with it? Ehh.

My final evaluation: I don't think I would spend the $8.99 for this product again. Coupon or not.

Tomorrow I'm headed back to Tar-zay for my trusty CoverGirl Champagne.

Always and Forever,
ME (Lizzie in Progress)

To add my own little comment about Almay:

My mom is ultra sensitive when it comes to eye products. She has used everything under the sun and apparently the only eyeliner that does not cause a (very unsexy) allergic reaction is Almay. She swears by their eye products.

But I am with LizzieBeth on the Enhancers. Any more when it comes to make-up (other than lip stick), it's always best to stick with what works best for you. Straying just leads to wasted money.

Thank you Lizzie in Progress for the review. I can envision you in all your Diva-ness staring contemplatively at all the cosmetics in Target. One day I would love to join you in Target shopping frenzy. I have a feeling you and I would do a quite a bit of damage (to our wallets that is.)

So check out Lizzie in Progress. It's awesome, she's awesome. Hell, she's just a girl who wants the world!

1 comment:

  1. The only other Alamay product I use is their liquid liner. To.Die.For.

    I've been kinda anti-Alamay ever since they came out with those products to enhance your eye color. The blue eye set had blue eye shadow!! WTF?? Is it 1973 and someone forgot to tell me? Anyone who knows anything about make up KNOWS that blue eyed beauties can't wear blue eye shadow.


    And yes... we need to attack a Target. I'll let you know next time I'm low on supplies.
