Thursday, June 10, 2010

Public Discomfort: It's a bank R-tard.

I went to the bank today to deposit my paycheck (yes, I know what your are thinking, "no direct deposit?!," Tell me about it! But I digress) and there was this dude who took $100 bucks out of the ATM. Now usually it wouldn't phase me that someone took out money, but what I found so fascinating was that he inspected each $20 bill by holding it up to the light to make sure the security strip was visible. WTF. You got the money out of a bank ATM. I am pretty sure they are not stuffing it with counterfeit bills.

Although now that I think about it, it was a TD Bank and they are run by 12 year olds.  My teller tried to cheat me out of a $20! But I called him on it.

So maybe that guy was right for checking his bills. I think those TD Rejects would accept Monopoly money if you tried to give it to them.

On another Public Discomfort rant, check out this chick! I had to run to catch up to her just to try to figure out what that shit is that is tattooed on the back of her legs. And you what? I still don't know what it says. Any thoughts?


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