Wednesday, August 19, 2009

R.I.P. SpongeBob SquarePants (2008-2009)

SpongeBob came to me last August while on vacation. The Captain and I spend the night in the arcades on Wildwood's boardwalk. In honor of the Beijing Olympics (that were in their first week during our trip) the Captain and I decided to hold our own little Wildwood Olympiad. We picked a handful of games that we would compete in and whomever won the best 2 out of 3 would be declared the Gold Medalist (lame, I know). That is when I saw SpongeBob sitting inside a crane machine. I wanted him. Nay, I need him. After the 3rd try, the first 2 attempts only resulted in readjusting `Bob's position, he was mine. To show off my "gold medal" I decided to zip tie him to my handlebars.

"I'm Ready"

SpongBob SquarePants
August 2008-August 2009

And there he stayed until last night....

Last night there was a vicious rain storm in Wildwood. Lightening, thunder, high winds, the works. So this morning when I woke up to take Cosmo out for his morning poo, I was horrified to find that SpongeBob was ripped from my handlebars. It was like after the flying monkeys attack the scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz. "They took my body and threw it over there. And then they took my legs and threw them over there."

Cosmo the Wonderdog

His legs are still zip tied to my handlebars.

Even after having his legs ripped from his body, he is still a 'Chipper Sea Sponge.'

Oh SpongeBob how I will miss thee. Your wide eyes would make me laugh every time I saw you. Your radiant smile made me scream "I'm Ready" whenever I mounted my bicycle. And your plushy head served me well as a pillow during the breaks of long bike rides.

Rest in Peace.
Your Daily Barista

1 comment:

  1. Oh goodness. I was not prepared for the grusome crime scene photos. I think you need a warning at the top of the page ;)

    I will have a moment of silence for him later today.

