Tuesday, May 4, 2010

3 Faves of the Week

My Three Faves of the Week: YouTube Edition!

1) We came, we saw, we kicked its ass!
I stumbled on this video a few weeks ago, and I am still singing. I find it strangely hypnotizing, and it's not just the "Gooble Gobble" chant from Freaks.
Let me know some of your favorite lines from Pop Culture depicted in this video? My favorite surprise, Grover as the waiter (and the always great "I want to go to there")!

2) The opening credits to Watchmen

I have yet to see this film, but a friend of mine brought the opening credits to my attention. I am sure most of you have already seen the clip, but it's just too well executed that I must share it here. To me it is a perfect example of how film credits should be treated! If filmmakers are going to run them separate from the film, then they should be used to draw the viewers attention into the film, get them curious and excited about what they are about to experience.
From the cinematography to the historical references to the excellent use of Bob Dylan's Times They Are a Changin' (one of my favorite Dylan song), these credits actually have me excited to see what the movie is all about (regardless of how bad people tell me it is.)

Unfortunately the embedding has been disabled, but you can view it at the link below:

3) 70 Million by Hold Your Horses

Maybe I am just a nerdy art student, but I love everything about this video! Can you name all of the painting use?

A little aside: 70 Million reminds me of those fabulous Kindle commercials:


And now for the shameless product placement!

Wanna by be freaked out by Browning's classic Freaks!  You can pick it up on Amazon (along with any other movie/TV show you saw in "We Came We Saw...")

 Do one step better than me and watch Watchmen, then you can tell me what you think (or I could just bum it off of you. I'll return it. Promise!)

 Don't you just love 70 Million by Hold your Horses? Buy the download from Amazon so you can rock out to it on your iPod!


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