Thursday, July 15, 2010

YDB's Amish Adventure

This past Sunday The Captain and I decided to take an adventure. Here is our tale, as told through Facebook and Twitter updates... 

"look out Amish! [YDB] is coming and she's bringing zippers with her!."
"In this day of home computers and space travel, the Amish eschew zippers as decadent, electricity as unnecessary and flush toilets as wasteful. They forgo the automobile in favor of sleek trotters and canvas-topped carriages of hickory wood.Read more

"first adventure stop: marsh creek state park."

so far 1 of little chris' presents. haha. i wish they still had the rusty playland of my youth." - facbook via text

I totally ganked him a few of the these awesome McDonald's Bibs from the Mickey D's in Blue Ball, PA. I am sure I could have got them at a Mac Donald's around here but they are never out to just take. I always feel funny asking since I never have a kid with me.  Along with the bibs he's getting some crappy toy from my Happy Meal. McDonald's really needs to step it up in the free toy department.
As for the dangerous Playland of my youth:

Breathe it in. The Big Mac Jail that I used to be afraid I wouldn't be able to climb down from. The Grimace shake thingie that never quite shook that well. If you remember these rusty marvels check out an amazing article from RetroJunk!

just took a pic of an Amish guys cow. do u think i stole its soul? i figured it was cool cause the dude waved."
"Oh Amos, this bitch just stole my muthafuckin soul."
Old Order Amish and Mennonites forbid photography of their people, and their objection is based on the second commandment..." Read more interesting facts about the Amish.

"The Captain has apparently found the ghetto of Lancaster. who knew?"
2:10 PM Jul 11th via txt

leaving strasburg, now on our way to bird in hand by way of intercourse."
Yes, PA outsiders...these towns really do exist
Note that they changed the town's name to Intercourse. WTF Amish. I wonder if they get the joke. I bet that there isn't much intercourse happening in Intercourse. Thoughts?
 Not as funny as Intercourse but Bird-in-Hand is yet another example of the dirty minds of the Amish. Shame on you Malachi shame on you.
 Blue Ball is lame and does not have a logo (I am smelling potential client!!) Get on the ball Blue Ball!

Amish puppies!! i would name them Jedediah and Malachi"

looking for the intercourse brewing company. no add on site. going by label. a silo b/w 2 bushes. use ur imagination."

I know what you are thinking Beer... and the Amish. Yeah I know who would have put the two together. They are not exactly peas and carrots.  But, yes my friends, Intercourse Paradise Pale Ale is my new favorite beer. The Captain and I attacked their booth at the Beer Festival we went to a few years back and have been on the hunt for it ever since. It's not readily available in our area but I am thinking a Blue Anchor Adventure for beer next time.
Unfortunately we couldn't find the brewery in our Amish travels. My mom had an interesting point "Perhaps it is brewed by renegade Amish guys out of the family farm. They don't want to be found out so they don't advertise in the area?" I think you maybe on to something there lady...good thinking.

Whatever the case maybe, the bottom line is I totally want to have Intercourse in my home. And I want all my friends to have Intercourse in my home as well. So please Intercourse, please distribute in Philadelphia! My dry spell has lasted far too long.
Give Intercourse some love by following them on Twitter.
Do it for the logo alone! Look carefully.

"remember EAGLE 106.1? i think it still lives on in Lancaster. "mr. vain," anyone?"
Yeah you know you remember its Top 40 greatness.  Then it turned to all Jazz and people stopped listening. Relive it with me:
"i love dutch wonderland! i totally want to go now! but if i don't have a kid, i will look like pedophile."

again. lost in the ghettos of Lancaster." 4:15 PM Jul 11th via txt 

"decided to blow off bird in hand. heading to Maryland coast...its a full on adventure"

wtf pa! where the hell are we?"

weather is beautiful again. roof is back down. heading towards home finally."

lessons learned: adventuring is far more fun on Saturday, shits open. 2) should've went to dutch wonderland."

"now on to a place for BBQ - Carly wants some ribs."

strike that! we did make it to Maryland! crabs instead tonight!"

looking at the strasburg railroad i realized i could've bought lil biff a conductors hat. unkie fantastic didn't want to stop"

bugaboo creek - the Canadian TGIF Fridays? i think yes, yes."
"Would you like to hear aboot our specials."
"So you liked your steak, eh?"
Nah, they didn't say that. But it would have been so great if they had.

"it never fails. i get more burned while driving with the roof down, then I do on the beach." - - facbook via text

Happy and Safe travels this summer,


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